Green Thyme based at the Old Café. We run many joint activities, but look out for special events on the GT facebook page. They also run a small book exchange in the GT Hub building
Live Well Derby Join the weekly Park 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5k round the perimenter path. These are guided walks where you can chat to new and old friends, and build your fitness levels. (And stay on for a coffee at the GT Hub)
Derbyshire Police FONP have asked for an increased Police presence on the Park. If you have any issues, please stop and chat to any Police Officers you see. They hold occasional Cuppa with a Copper sessions at the GT Hub on a Wednesday or Sunday morning, and you can follow their Park visits on
Derby Homes provide us with support at events, and regular encouragement to keep us going
Sporting Communities are based at the Community Centre. They’ve had a busy summer with activities for children, and we look forward to planning more events with them. The Centre is open for weekly women’s Keep fit sessions and other events (If you want to know what they have been up to so far, check out these video clips,,
New partners
Our newest partnerhsip is with Normanton Library; in addition to a recent visit by Normanton Park users, to discuss possible activities in and with the Library, we have also led a summer holiday storytime for the under-11s.
With Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and Dale Primary School, we are developing a wildlife area at the top end of the park - thanks to a generous grant from East Midlands Airport Community Garden fund